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Posted Jun 18, 2019

Article I – Name

The organization shall be known as Rockport Youth Basketball (RYB).

Article II – Objective

A. The objective of Rockport Youth Basketball, (RYB) shall be to instill in the boys and girls of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, loyalty, work ethic, courage and friendly competition while learning the game of basketball. It is our hope that these traits will carry with them throughout their lives.

B. The objective will be achieved by providing supervised basketball games, practices and drill sessions. The supervisor shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skills or the winning of games is secondary to the building of character in children.

Article III - Membership

A. Voting members of RYB for all general meetings shall consist exclusively of all Executive Board members. 

B. All Head Coaches who participate during the current basketball season may attend any and all general meetings of the Executive Board.

C. Head Coaches who participated during the previous basketball season have the right to be a voting member only for the purpose of the annual election of the Executive Board. Members must be physically present at a meeting for their votes to count.

D. All board members of this organization are strictly volunteer, non-salaried people not compensated in any way. This article will be in effect as long as the Rockport Youth Basketball is in existence.

Article IV – Government

A. The Executive Board shall convene an Annual Election Meeting, open to the general public. The election shall be held to: (1) elect the Board of Directors for the next term and (2) to vote any changes to the by-laws. 

 B. The Board of Directors composed of no less than three members and no more than nine with one year terms

 C. The government of the RYB shall be under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors (see above).

         D. All matters concerning the policies and practices of RYB shall be decided by a vote of the Board of Directors, quorum present and majority vote. In the event of a tie, the President shall have final say.

          E. The President and Board of Directors are authorized to arbitrate in local league matters and rule interpretations other than game disputes.

           F. Any voting member of the Board of Directors must provide 90 days notice to the Board of their election to leave the position within the organization barring unforeseen circumstances.

 Article V – Duties of Board of Directors


  • Preside at all RYB meetings
  • Sees that all rules and policies of the RYB are understood and observed
  • Heads the local organization and the Board of Directors
  • Directs coordination of all fundraising activities
  • Work closely with the Recreation Department and School Department to provide gym time for all leagues for all practices, games, tryouts, clinics and special events.
  • Executes any disciplinary measures against coaches, assistant coaches, players, or parents.
  • Coordinates the requirements gathering for all supplies required and then disbursement upon receipt.


  • Schedules walk-in registration dates in October through the Recreation Department.
  • Maintaining/creating registration forms.
  • Keeping all registration records
  • Communicates registration
  • Establish the overall schedule for the four Recreation Leagues. This includes scheduled games, and all scheduled practice times for all Recreation League teams.


  • Pays all bills incurred by the league
  • Dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors
  • Reports to the Board of Directors as to previous disbursements of funds since last meeting
  • Prepares annual financial statements  
  • Makes all purchases of game equipment and uniforms necessary for the operation of the league subject to ratification of the Board of Directors
  • Assess and re-orders any new equipment to include:

o    Basketballs

o    Scorebooks for each travel team

o    First Aid Kits and related supplies

o    T-Shirts  

o    Trophies

League Coordination 

  • Responsible for player/team assignment
  • Recruits head coaches for all teams
  • Approves all assistant coaches for all teams
  • Build a game/practice schedule
  • Mediates any game disputes 
  • Manages the completion and collection of CORI Forms for coaches/volunteers in the league
  • Coordinate any refunds 
  • Schedule referees for all games in the league
  • Coordinate the payment for all referees in the league


  • Maintaining the “look and feel” and content of the RYB Web Site at
  • Leverage the site capability to maximize the full functionality of the site in support of the Leagues objectives.
  • Report on activity.
  • Make recommendation as to how technology can make the league’s administration duties or marketing activities more efficient.
  • Manages the frequency and topics on what gets emailed to all league members. Our parents and children give us their email and home addresses along with their trust that they won’t be abused. In general, email blasts should be limited to league topics.


Article VI – Duties

 Duties not listed in Article IV shall be directed by the Board of Directors

Article VII – Meetings

 A. There shall be regular meetings of the Board of Directors chaired by the President on a date agreed to by the Board. Regular Meetings will generally be scheduled once every three months.

 B. Special meetings will be called as necessary by the President with a two week notice to all members of the Board of Directors.

 C. An annual meeting shall be held in April for the officer elections and at any other time the President deems it necessary with a two week notice to all membership.

 D. A quorum shall be 50% of the Board and one officer to be included in that 50% in attendance after due notice has been given to the membership and/or the Board of Directors. If a quorum is not present, the meeting will be cancelled and re-scheduled.

 Article VIII – Coaches

Each team shall consist of a head coach and one (1) minimum and two (2) maximum   assistant coaches approved by the respective League Coordinator.            

All RYB coaches must be approved by the Board of Directors and are required to submit an annual CORI form.                                        

All coaches are considered ‘at will’ volunteers whose relationship with the RYB is reviewed and renewed each year.

A. Examples of causal reason for the removal of any coach in any league are:

  1. Unacceptable or inappropriate language or gestures used (i.e. to use profane words or phrases)
  2. To insult or belittle players, referees or spectators
  3. Unsportsmanlike conduct which sets a bad example for players and spectators
  4. Any physical contact or force used against a player, referee or spectator.
  5. Can be removed at anytime by the Board of Directors

B. Depending on the severity of the violation, a coach may receive a First Warning. The determination of First Warning or immediate expulsion shall be decided solely by a 2/3 vote of the Board.                                                   

C. If a coach has been removed by a vote of the board of directors, the coach has the right to appeal the removal by following the steps below:

  1. Register his or her desire to appeal in writing to the President  the RYB at least two weeks before the next board meeting
  2. Appear in person before the Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board of Directors meetings.
  3. Present his or her case before the board in 15 minutes or less.
  4. The board will discuss said issue after the appellant leaves the board meeting and render its final decision.
  5. The appellant will be notified in writing by the President of RYB as to the outcome of the appeal.

D. 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors is needed to remove a head coach or an assistant coach. The head coach or assistant shall have the right to appear before the Board of Directors to defend their actions prior to any removal vote. The said removal shall become part of the permanent records of the Board of Directors and reinstatement of any removed head coaches or assistant coaches must be by a 2/3 vote.

E. Any incidents shall be reported in writing to the Board within two weeks of the alleged incident.                                                                                          

F. The head coaches shall meet separately at the call of the President and under the supervision of the individual League Coordinators to:

  • Review rules and regulations and make recommendations for changes for the coming year subject to the confirmation by the Board of Directors
  • Address conduct issues amongst players, coaches, assistant coaches, referees, or spectators
  • Perform a draft whereby a player roster is filled for the coming year. The type of draft is left to the discretion of the League Coordinator and Head Coaches.   
  • Distribute schedules and equipment.
  • Make recommendations for assistant coaches.

Article IX - Referees

  • All games under the jurisdiction of this Association shall be played under the rules of the RYB and as amended by the Association.
  • The official referee shall be the sole judge on the court, and his/her decision shall be final. No protests, based on referee decisions, shall be allowed. Any complaints about an official referee shall be directed in writing to the League Coordinator.
  • The referee (and/or any Board member) may remove a spectator from a game location for reasons of abusive or unsportsmanlike conduct. 
  • Referees shall report in writing to the Executive Board any cases of misconduct and/or foul and abusive language.
  • Referees must inform any player or coach that he/she is placed on report to the Executive Board.

 Article X – Rosters

Teams should have a maximum of 12 players on a roster with 11 players being optimal. However, in the interest of scheduling, the league coordinator will attempt to create leagues at each level with an even number of teams.            

Article XI – Playing Rules

The individual league guidelines and rules for games are contained in appendices A of the RYB League By-Laws.

Article XII – Playing Time

Recreational Leauge

Playing time, not wins and losses, for all players should be in the forefront of all coaching decisions.

There may be a game where a child may have played less than others; coaches are to make up that lost playing time in forthcoming games. 

Travel League

As the travel league is more competetive, we give the coaches discretion on playing time.  The coaches must adhere to the North Shore Basketball Association playing time regulation of an 8 minute minimum playing time rule per player per game which is in effect for all teams that arrive to a game with 10 or more players.  

9 players - each player must play a minimum of 10 minutes a game
8 players - each player must play a minimum of 12 minutes a game
7 or less - each player must play a minimum of 16 minutes a game

Article XIII – Players

A. The official player eligibility rules are as noted below.  Exceptions to these rules may be made by the League Coordinators with the approval of the Board of Directors.  

B. The player must participate in the league designated for their grade level.

  1. A player is eligible to play if they are:
  2. A resident of Rockport
  3. A resident of Rockport who attends a school outside of Rockport
  4. Move from Rockport to another town after the season’s games start
  5. Move into Rockport from another town after the season’s games starts
  6. Residents in Gloucester attending Rockport Schools

 D. Players may not participate in any game when the following items are present:

  1. A hard cast on any part of their body
  2. Earrings
  3. Bracelets
  4. Necklaces
  5. Non-sneaker footwear

Article XIV – Cancellations

 If the Rockport Schools are closed for any reason all RYB Leagues games will be cancelled. The League Coordinators will work with the President and Board to decide on a course of action for making the games up at a future date.

 Article XV – League Fees

 A. The amount of registration fees for the coming year will be set by vote of the board.

 B. In addition, any registrations received after November 1st, will be subject to a $10 late fee.

Article XVI – Registration Policy

 Registration dates for the RYB Recreation League will be published on the League web-site.  All previous participants will be notified in advance via email about the Registration procedure. Online Registration shall begin on August 1st and Close on December 1st. A walk registration will be conducted in October. In order to balance the team assignments in a fair and consistent manner no Recreation League Registrations will be accepted after December 1, of each year.

 Article XVII – Refund Policy

 Any player who has not started their season is entitled to a 100% refund. Once the season starts for the player, there will be no refunds. The season will be deemed started by the beginning of the first game.

Article XVIII - Amendment Procedure

 These by-laws, or any section, may be amended or repealed by a 2/3 vote of the membership at the regular meeting in May for which two weeks notice is given to each member.

Appendix A

Game Structure

Game Time:

  • 2 - 20-minute halfs= 40 minute Game TIme
  • Stop clock only on Free Throws and Time Outs
  • Stop clock last two minutes of the half

Half Time:

  • 3 Minute Running Clock

Extra Periods:

  • 5 Minute Clock
  • Stop Clock last two minutes of the half - under 10 points

Time Outs:

  • Two 60-second timeouts permitted in the first half of play
  • Two 60-second timeouts permitted in the second half of play  
  • One 60-second timeout granted for each extra period  Unused timeouts may not carry over to the next half or into extra periods


  • Substitutions on dead ball or timeout


  • free throw: 1 point,
  • field goals: 2 points
  • behind the 3 point arch: 3-point field goals

Start of Game:

  • Games will open with the opening jump ball at Center Court

Game Tactics:


  • Man to Man defense only for all ages. NO ZONE.
  • Grades 6 and up can press the last Two Minutes of the First and Second Half.
  • Leading team may not extend the defense over half court when leading by 10 points or more.
  • Double Teaming will be allowed in the half-court defense only for grades 6 and up, mercy rules when leading by 15 points, double teams not allowed. Double Teaming is not allowed in grades 2-5.
  • Stealing is allowed on the pass in grades 2-5. Stealing from your man is allowed in grades 6 and up


These By Laws were created and reviewed by the sitting Board of Directors at the June 5, 2019 meeting.

These By Laws were amended and approved by the sitting Board of Directors at the June 5, 2019 meeting.